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UPDATE August 2018: As December 1st 2018 quickly approaches, Borderview is again actively involved in the conversation about the future of the proposed Canadian marking requirements. We’ll post again with updated information as soon as it’s available. Meanwhile, rest assured that we’re advocating for true common sense. And, if needed, we’ll be ready to perform minimally obtrusive markings using our fiber laser marking system, starting on day one of any new requirements, at little to no extra cost for our customers.


Good news!

Borderview has confirmed with the RCMP Firearms Program that the Import Marking Requirements slated to come into force on June 1st, 2017 have been deferred to December 1st, 2018.

We know this issue is of great importance to many of our Canadian customers, and we’re right there with you. We’ve supported the CSSA and other like-minded organizations in the fight for common sense on this matter, and are relieved with today’s news.

While we stood ready if needed to begin marking at little to no extra cost to our customers, using our fiber laser marking machine, we’re glad it won’t be getting the use it would have had the marking regulations come into force next month. (The fiber laser does an incredibly fine marking to the minimum required height and depth — but no marking is certainly better than any required marking!)

We will continue to support organizations and do our part to avoid needless markings on collector and sporting firearms imported into Canada.

The photo above shows a Tikka T3 with a stainless barrel that was marked with the required U.S. import marking of the Name, City and State of the importer. As ATF has approved the abbreviation of our name to “BV”, it is marked “BV LYNDEN WA”, at the minimum required height (1/16″) and depth (0.003″). Such markings show up much more on stainless surfaces such as pictured, and stand out less on blued or other surfaces.

The proposed Canadian Marking Regulations would require “CA” for Canada, and the two-digit year of import, such as “CA 17”. This would be an even smaller marking than currently required in the U.S., but as written the regulations would require the marking to be placed on the frame/receiver, whereas U.S. requirements allow marking on the barrel or slide.