Good news, once again!
Canada has officially deferred the start date of the pending Firearms Marking Regulations until December 1st 2020, which were most recently scheduled to come into effect in just a few weeks on December 1st of this year.
In an earlier Blog post (link here), Borderview shared news of the last time the Government of Canada delayed these requirements from June 2017 until December 2018. Now, they’ve been delayed another two years while the government says it works “to develop an effective marking regime that enables law enforcement to effectively trace crime guns, without imposing undue constrains or costs on firearms owners and businesses.”
Borderview will remain actively involved in the conversation about the future of the proposed Canadian marking requirements. Should the government proceed to implement a marking scheme in the future, rest assured that we’ll be ready to perform minimally obtrusive markings using our existing fiber laser marking system, at little to no extra cost for our customers.
The photo progression above shows a Smith & Wesson Model 629-1 revolver marked under the crane to U.S. import marking requirements (Name, City and State of the importer). As the U.S. ATF has approved the abbreviation of our name to “BV”, it is marked “BV LYNDEN WA”, at the minimum required height (1/16″) and depth (0.003″). Such markings show up much more on stainless surfaces such as pictured, and stand out less on blued or other surfaces (as pictured on a later Winchester Model 94 below).

As currently drafted, the proposed Canadian Firearms Marking Regulations would require “CA” for Canada, and the two-digit year of import, such as “CA 19”. This would be an even smaller marking than currently required in the U.S., but as written the regulations would require the marking to be placed on the frame/receiver, whereas U.S. requirements allow marking on the barrel or slide.